Monday, February 4, 2008

One of the single most important indicator for all Real Estate Investor

Real Estate prices in U.S has experienced a dramatic increase in price over the last five years. Many area see home price go up as much as double in mere five year time period. This is unprecedent. Whatever go up, must go down. I do believe there will be more price correction in the next year or two, especially states had the most gain, like California, Flordia & Navada. While in short run, these states will have more price drop. In long run, I'm all bullish in these "once hot spot." The reason is shown above. These are data I took from Governement did a survey to project pouplation growth in U.S for the next 30 years (from 2000 to 2003). Real estate 's price in short run may go up or down, but in long run, it is ultimately deteremined by demand, or pouplation growth. The higher pouplation growth, the better chance price will appericate. (of course, these are just first glance, there are more factors come into play like property tax, living quality, restriction of building new house, etc) If you're looking to pick a state to invest in Real estate, study the data carefully and it will point you to the right state to focus your investment.

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