Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Wrong questions to ask lead you wrong result!

Five years ago, I purchase my first stock thru an online broker. I have no idea what I'm doing. I get curious about stock market when everyone around me is talking about how easy to make money. Without any knowledge in stock investing, I remember I will ask people I ran into, my boss, my doctor, my neighbors, and even the person who cut my hair this question " which stocks I should buy?" Everyone around me seems to be expert and they will tell me a list of stock symbol to buy. I collect this list and buy these stocks. As you may guess , my return is pretty ugly. I think I've lost a couple grand just by asking this questions to people I ran into.
I didn't let this setback discourage me from investing stock. I just know I need to become more educated. I read books, I attended seminar, I listen to educational program to learn how to make money in stocks. I figured out I 've asked the wrong question in the beginning and that's the exact reason why I lost money. Now, I learn to ask the right questions to people I ran into : "What system (method) I should use to screen, time in and time out stock?" Interestingly, almost on one around me can tell me any thing or don't have clue what I'm asking. The amazing things is after I learn the screen method that fit my investment style, the time in to buy and time out to sell (either capture a gain or minmize a loss), my return has been gradually increasing. If you're interested to learn what are few of the system I'm using (maybe not be the best, but it's making money consistently for me), simply leave a comment and say "529pm, tell me more!". I'd love to share what I know (my stock investing method) to you if you're interested to know. I'll reveal my method when there are 10 comments to this post. Will you comment? $D


Anonymous said...

tell me more

Unknown said...


I'm just getting started in wealth building through investing & internet marketing. I would love to hear about your preferred stock investing method. If you have any advice on how to proceed in internet marketing I would appreciate those comments as well. I love your name!

Unknown said...


I've just recently got involved in wealth building through investing & internet marketing. I would like to hear about your preferred stock investing method. If you have any advice on how to proceed in internet marketing, I would appreciate those comments as well.

I love your 529pm name!


529pm said...

jim, i start this blog 2 months ago so i'm also a beginner in internet market business.I'd recommend you to learn by reading books on this topic. One of my favorite book "multiple stream of internet income" written by robert allen. Do you have a site or blog?

charlene said...

529pm, tell me more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

529pm said...

so far I have 3 people interested, hope I can have more people comment soon $D

Justin Oo said...

Yes 529pm, tell me more! thnx.

529pm said...

Justin and charlene , thank you for the interest, I'm still counting it down, so far we have 4 persons comment $D