Saturday, November 10, 2007

Recently, I'm spending tremendous amount of time to learn more about stock market. I want to learn the in and out and use Internet to gather useful resource to analyze stocks. I was using yahoo and msn's financial charts in the past. However, the more I learn different type of analysis, the more I found them less efficient and effective. The chart is not very up to date and sometimes even inaccurate. One of my friend recommend me to give a try on one of these site, and I found them very helpful. This is WWW.STOCKCHARTS.COM .
I highly recommend it, the interface are user friendly and professional. All the popular type of technical analysis, like MACD, William %R, Moving Average data are well displayed and updated. I think from now on, I'd rely on the chart information from there to do my stock study.


Unknown said...

wow, do I need to pay for subscription service?

Unknown said...

yeah, this web is absolutely informative.