Wednesday, August 22, 2007

3 simple steps to win our money game

Tonight, I want to share the 3 simple steps I used five years ago that help me to get ahead money game. I believe you can achieve if you can keep this 3 simple steps in mind to build your wealth.

Step 1) Define my dream (as specific as possible)
Step 2) Know where I'm (how much money and time I have, what is my strength and my weakness, what do I enjoy to do)
Step 3) Find a Vehicle(s) to make it happen. (Real Easter, Stock, network marketing business, etc)

It's like getting a map to travel. First, you need to know where is your destination. Next, you need to know where you are. And Finally, find a vehicle to take you where you 're to where you want to go.

1 comment:

charlene said...

i really have multi dreams, i can understand the 3 steps to win the money game, but i really have a lot of other boundaries to get into action, which really bother me